UACD Elected Leaders
Hicken Conservation Leadership Initiative
With the generous financial support and encouragement
of Claude and June Hicken in 2008, the UACD revised
and expanded its efforts in continuing education for all
district officials. Claude and June are former members
of UACD where Claude had served as chairman of
the Wasatch Conservation District and as a member
of the UACD Board of Directors. June served as the
UACD Auxiliary President.
The goal of the Hicken Conservation Leadership initiative is to educate and increase the leadership capacity of district officials to enable them to better understand and fulfill their statutory responsibilities. It includes the following elements:
Annual new supervisor conservation leadership orientation held each spring
Supervisor leadership instruction through sessions at the UACD annual convention, as well as at zone meetings and monthly district meetings as time permits
Leadership and related educational materials available as internet based, self-taught packages and as conventional publications
Incentives that recognize progress toward and completion of the nationally recognized NACD District Official Accreditation program
Scholarships to encourage attendance at regional, state and national meetings
Financial assistance for the Auxiliary Scholarship Fund for students pursuing a degree in agriculture and/or conservation majors
For more information about the Hicken Conservation Leadership Initiative, please contact Kristy Davis, CFO, at 435.881.7688.