UACD Education
Educational Resources and Opportunities
Agriculture in the Classroom is a nationwide program designed to help students develop an awareness and understanding of our food and fiber system, and how agriculture impacts our daily lives. (AITC) provides training and resources for teachers to use as a vehicle to teach across existing curriculum. Teachers across the state can help to increase agricultural literacy. Click the following link to check out the ' (free from AITC).
Agricultural Education prepares students for employment and/or continuing education opportunities in agriculture through technical instruction in the classroom, Experiential education through the laboratory and Supervised Agricultural Experience Program (SAEP), and leadership and personal development through the FFA. For more information visit
Visit our page for detailed information on this program.
Utah’s conservation districts are dedicated to educating youth and adults alike about the value of conserving our natural resources. The conservation districts work closely with many partners to promote conservation education in their local areas through a variety of programs, which include:
- Classroom Presentations
Conservation Scholarships
Outdoor Classrooms
Conservation Poster Contests
Field Days
Educational Materials
Utah Natural Resources Field School
Central Utah Outdoor Education Workshop
PAWS – Plants, Animals, Water and Soils
For more information on educational opportunities in your conservation district, contact your