Environmental Quality Incentives Program (EQIP)
EQIP is a new program designed to assist farmers facing serious threats to soil, water, and related natural resources. It provides technical, financial, and educational assistance primarily within locally identified priority areas where significant natural resources concerns have been identified. Contracts are offered that provide financial incentives for conservation practices such as erosion control, manure management systems, pest management, and others which will help to improve and maintain the health of natural resources.
Key Provisions:
Provides technical assistance, cost-sharing and incentive payments, and educational assistance to cooperators who enter into conservation contracts of five to ten year terms.
Cooperators are eligible for up to 75% of project costs; $10,000 in any fiscal year; or $50,000 over the life of the contract.
Ranks applications using a numerical points system designed to identify and select proposals that offer the greatest environmental benefits per program dollar.
Authorizes the USDA to request assistance of state agencies as well as other governmental and private resources to aid in providing technical assistance for the development and implementation of structural practices.
Fifty percent of program funding is dedicated to livestock-related conservation.
Up to 35% may be spent outside of established priority areas.
Participation is limited to persons who are engaged in livestock or agricultural production.
Enrolled lands must be cropland, rangeland, forestland, or other farm or ranch lands where the program is delivered.
How To Apply:
Applications are accepted throughout the year and are ranked and selected during designated periods. For further information or to obtain an application form, contact your local or